Monday, October 12, 2009

Reaction To Frankenstein

This book is a little weird. Who tries to create another creation just to show you can. Victor is trying to play god. Then after he creates the first creature the creature is lonely. He acts out in anger and kills victors friend. Then he asks victor to create a mate for him so he isnt lonely and the creature promises to dissappear into south america and never be seen again. Victor says yes at first, then changes his mind and kills the new mate. Frankenstein is enraged and kills again, but this time he makes it look like Victor has done it. This book is a good book, but is stupid. NO ONE CAN PLAY GOD AND TRY TO CREATE ANOTHER HUMAN BEING. This could never happen in real life. This is a bad choice anyway. The creature ends up doing harm to the world. The creature should never have been created.